Scott Poynton Guiding

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My Carbon Zero, Your Carbon Zero

A new, crowd-sourced, super vehicle to help you take your own, personalised, big climate action

It’s a funny thing about climate change that so many of us have, it seems, for so long, been passive passengers on a vehicle that’s screaming toward a calamitous abyss.

It reminds me of my school bus journey when I was a kid. I’d get on and someone else – the driver - would be responsible for taking me where I needed to be. I’d just chill and think about other stuff. I don’t doubt the driver had his hands full on the narrow country roads, dodging potholes, tractors, trucks, aberrant sheep, kangaroos and motorists. There must have been more than a few near misses over the years. I was blissfully unaware. Each morning I got on, entered dreamland, got off, and then got on again in the afternoon to be deposited, safely, outside my front gate. The bus driver never failed, but when it comes to climate change, our global leaders haven’t done so well. We know, but still we sail on, passengers on the bus, dreaming of other things, waiting to be deposited home again, in safety, for them to solve the issues for us.

It doesn’t seem to be working.

I’d like it to work. But for that, I think we’ve got to stop being passengers and start being drivers.

To help us, I’ve created My Carbon Zero. It’s a different type of vehicle, a crowd-sourced one, where everyone has their own steering wheel and controls that allow them to be active in driving their own journey, taking their own climate action. Dreamers no more and fun too! Who doesn’t want to drive their own bus?

My Carbon Zero allows individuals and businesses to understand their own role in creating climate change:

  • How many emissions do you release each year?

  • How might you reduce that?

  • How might you help others reduce their emissions?

  • How many emissions have you put out there in your whole life? Eek!

And, the big one:

  • How might you get all those emissions back, out of the atmosphere?


  • How might you inspire others to get on board their own vehicle to take their own action?

That’s the simple idea behind My Carbon Zero.

It’s a Membership Platform where – I hope - loads of folk in a globally dispersed climate-change community, will take their own individual actions, but collectively work together, doing great things, knocking on climate change’s door saying, “Not on my watch!”

You can learn more about My Carbon Zero by visiting .

There, you can learn how you can become your own driver by joining our My Carbon Zero Community - it’s free!

We need inspiring action now. Well, in truth, we needed to kick off our own inspiring actions a long time ago, probably all those 40+ years ago when I was still a kid on that bus. We didn’t know then but we’ve got a strong inkling of it now.

Better late than never and I hope that My Carbon Zero could be the start of us all getting in behind our own wheels. That just might give us some chance of steering away from that abyss. It really is looming large now in the not so far off distance.
