What People Have Said
Definitely I view this as guidance to succeed in life. It is not what I have seen or experienced in leadership books and trainings, [and I am saying this with all due respect]. I think it goes back to the core: just be, live, learn with eyes and ears wide open, and trust your own authentic self.
/ Lieske van santen, Forest Stewardship Council /
In a world driven by speed and continuous activity, this ethical introspection exercise helped me step back, focus and prioritise the values and purpose that should guide my daily work and life decisions. One year later, I still think back on this experience during moments of doubts and say to myself: “Just follow your gut and keep going, a drop in the ocean will have some impact one day.”
/ Yann Vuillerod, Responsible Sourcing, Nestlé /
I would like to thank Scott for his empathy, listening and coaching skills and especially for his big heart. Scott reminded me of what the famous French writer and aviator Saint-Exupéry wrote in Le Petit Prince. "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" (We can only see well through the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes)
/ alban mayne, founder & CEO /
I didn’t like Scott when I first saw him. Why? Because he was unfamiliar. I didn’t want an unfamiliar ally in a battle. But all I needed to do was to swallow my ego and force myself to listen to him, a little. He came up with strange ideas about values. Values that I thought I didn’t believe in. But the more our Exec team thought, deeply, we realised that we shared these values. Ending deforestation is a must. Scott has the unique ability to voice the unimaginable to bring out the best of people, the better path and collaboration.
/ aida greenbury, sustainability Managing Director, 2004-2017, Asia Pulp & Paper /
"I cannot really describe how Scott gets you to go where you need to go, but the fact is that he succeeds most of the time to bring you where you were sometimes too afraid to go alone. One of Scott’s favourite techniques is to walk and talk… actually, it should be called walk and listen because Scott is a fantastic, very active listener… a rare quality nowadays. I can only encourage anybody to undertake this journey with Scott!
/ fabien girard, France country manager, earthworm foundation /
My take away is a toolkit for fostering insight into professional and personal relationships, such as mastery of my energy and the importance of space to reflect on my words and actions, the impeccability of listening to the self and others, the importance of timing of interventions and the practice of showing up in the world as oneself.
/ Caroline Hunt-Matthes, Lawyer, Whistle-Blower Advocate /
"Scott is someone who is passionate about life. When working with him, you can hear the echoes of thoughts. He knows how to touch the softest part of your heart and remind you where you should go. He influences people by his life, his history and his love. Want to find your lost self? Want to experience the purity in your heart? Join Scott’s journey.
/ JiaRu Li, senior project officer, china team, earthworm foundation /
"Scott’s talk was one that made an impact on me the most. The way he structured his talk to be both an inspiration to make change and a narrative of his work made it applicable and memorable. In addition, it was very different than the other speakers because rather than introducing and describing his sustainable impact, he used his time to inspire us to continue to make an effort to advocate for sustainability.
/ Berkeley Business School, Geneva Summer Class 2018 /
"Scott’s lecture strongly emphasized the importance of speaking from your heart—what is truly inside you and what you truly believe in. I enjoyed learning about his “duck whispering” idea in order to convince clients and other people to make change in our society today. His talk was somewhat spiritual, which I very much enjoyed, since it was a more human and authentic approach in solving the problem of sustainability.