Scott Poynton

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Being away a while

It’s been a long while since I’ve written regularly here on my website. I got lured away by LinkedIn. I don’t think it was the sugar rush of likes and engagements that drew me there, though there must have been some of that. It was, I think, that I had the chance to speak to a broader, more globally dispersed audience.

That felt exciting and it’s been a great experience. I have grown interest in my work and thinking; I’ve shared insights and lessons and these seem to have helped a large number of people who have messaged me in appreciation. That’s resulted in a large and growing number of followers there which is OK.

But…there’s something missing from it. I’ve thought about this a lot, and I think it’s intimacy. Yes, I think that’s the right word.

Preferring to share here with less than 5% of the total number of connections and a tiny fraction of the potential audience available on LI seems counterintuitive, but it just feels right and that’s because subscribers here have somehow taken a more intimate step of signing up than a simple follow/connect on LI.

Perhaps I’m overstating that, I don’t know. What I do know is that trying to fathom the LI algorithm and how it prioritises one post over another is impossible and thus I’d rather just write and share more with people - you all - who have taken a bigger step to actually subscribe. I appreciate all of you who have done that.

I do plan to share more here. I will share some posts that I’ve shared in the past on LI because I really did like all the posts I shared there. Perhaps you’ve seen them? Anyhow, I want this site to be the single best repository of my total creative endeavours and the foundation for more interaction with more of you.

Beyond sharing things on LI; what else have I been up to since I paused posting here?

Mostly, I’ve been in Ghana.

I was asked by a fantastic, innovative food company called WhatIF Foods to go to Ghana to build a regenerative agriculture supply chain. I went there the first time in November 2021, and then started going for longer periods from Feb 2022. Together with WhatIF Foods and our local partner, Kasima Ghana, we did build, from the ground up, a regenerative project engaged with more than 7,000 smallholder farmers in two short, busy years. it’s been an incredibly rich experience.

Now, other projects are unfolding and each has its own unique points of interest. All revolve around striving to make the world a better place.

There have been new relationships and some older relationships have been rekindled; some have just quietly disappeared for having not been curated sufficiently. I’m sad about those faded connections but hope, perhaps through regular sharing here, to rekindle those.

In addition to starting Pond Foundation as my new impact enterprise to do stuff on the ground, I started a different way Sàrl/Ltd, a second impact enterprise, to act as the vehicle for sharing knowledge and insights from my experience starting, surviving and thriving as an impact entrepreneur and just general coaching and mentoring. I’ve launched an online, subscription-based mentoring community, called adifferentway to support people on their own journeys of personal transformation. You can learn more about it here.

Most of all, my belief in the power of the soul and our deep connection to it to make the world a better place has only been reinforced, time and time again, by the work I’ve been doing.

With the emergence of AI, there’s a risk we get drawn further and deeper into our brains and more distant from our soul because AI helps our brains make more decisions, faster. I’m positive about it though I do wonder if it will leave any room for a deeper connection to our souls, or deepest selves. Let’s see. I do see myself as an advocate for the soul, in business decision-making but really in all aspects of life.

Connecting there has been at the core of so many change/peacemaking processes I’ve been engaged in so I hope it doesn’t fade into obscurity. More people seem to be recognising the importance of this deeper, personal connection and likewise, the connection to Nature which helps us deepen our connection to self.

I look forward to connecting more with you all here. In the spirit of engagement, do comment on the pasts or ping me a message at if you want to speak about anything here.