Climate Change and the Deep Poo Gap

I’ve written in other blogs on the site here about My Carbon Zero and our work, under The Pond Foundation, to inspire a community of individuals, families and businesses to take their own credible climate action.

To that end, we recently produced this short (<5mins) video about climate change and the Deep Poo gap, the difference between where we are today in our collective, global actions to avoid catastrophic climate change and where we need to be. Bottom line is that we seriously are NOT on track to tuck in below 1.5 oC as envisaged by the 2015 Paris Agreement. Rather, we risk heading for >6 oC and that really does put us in serious, deep poo.

My Carbon Zero & the Deep Poo Gap

But…when the going gets tough, we really do need to get going.

The Pond Foundation has setup the My Carbon Zero Community to help folk do that. Many people want to put their shoulders to that wheel. They too want to do what they can to move the needle on the ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. That’s the only way we’re going to avert a catastrophe - by first slowing the rate of increase, then getting it to no increase at all and finally, by removing carbon from the atmosphere - actions that bring us below dangerous levels, below 400ppm. Alone though, we’re not enough. We also need to Inspire others to join our My Carbon Zero journey.

Our purpose is not to alarm but rather to inspire action. You can’t understand where you need to get to unless you know where you are. Knowing we’re not in the best place can help us step more determinedly into the actions we need to move somewhere better.

You can join us in My Carbon Zero Community, either as an individual (it’s free!) or as a business/organisation (for a modest fee), to start or strengthen your own My Carbon Zero journey.

We’d love to welcome you and together, put our collective shoulders to the wheel on this most pressing of challenges.
